I came across a really great post today on Carla Kay White's
website. It lists 101 things that she loves. Carla is the creative genius behind the iPhone app
Gratitude Journal. She is also a fellow student in my Unravelling class. And so it was interesting to check out her list of favorites. For today, I thought I would create my own list of things I love. I hope it will inspire you to start one yourself. P.S.--Ignore how many of these items are food-related. I couldn't help myself.
1. Heavy rain storms
2. Pizza with extra cheese
3. Beaches with powder white sand
4. Snuggling
5. The white washed houses on Santorini
6. Degas paintings
7. My brother's crazy sense of humor
8. Seeing my words in print
9. Learning something new
10. Unexpected rainbows
11. Traveling by car, train or plane
12. The Dalai Lama
13. The Sunday New York Times
14. Starbuck's caramel apple spice
15. Broadway shows
16. Penne with vodka sauce
17. Sunsets on the shore
18. Autumn
19. Blue glass
20. Afternoons spent in the bookstore
21. Interior design
22. Romantic comedies
23. A sunny day in a convertible
24. A good kisser
25. Strawberry shortcake
26. My dog Mo and her "smile"
27. My dad's mustache
28. The English Tudor house I grew up in
29. Long drives down the coast
30. Target shopping
31. Ginger Ale
32. Tiny babies
33. Political debates
34. Deep conversations until after midnight
35. Really good friends and a bottle of wine
36. Reading all night to finish a great book
37. A beach chair right where the water licks at your feet
38. Mysteries
39. Shellfish, preferably with butter
40. Double chocolate cherry cookies
41. Pushing the clocks back
42. Being Greek
43. The friendship I have with my mom
44. Boardwalk hotdogs with mustard and sauerkraut
45. Great mentors
46. Fireflies and starry nights
47. Georgia O'Keeffe
48. Masterpiece Theatre
49. Jane Austen's work but especially Persuasion, Sense & Sensibility, & Pride & Prejudice
50. Savannah, Georgia
51. Blank journals and sketchbooks
52. CNN's Anderson Cooper
53. Sailing on the Hudson River
54. Making dinner at home with someone special
55. Tickle fights
56. Old movies like Casablanca, Holiday Inn and An Affair to Remember
57. The Barefoot Contessa
58. Museums & 19th century European paintings
59. Rootbeer floats
60. Mount Olympus, Greece
61. Goats (I'm a Capricorn)
62. Beach houses
63. Wild Sweet Orange Tea in the morning
64. Long phone conversations with my BFF
65. A little black dress
66. My dad's Thanksgiving stuffing
67. My white MacBook
68. Fresh figs
69. Great-fitting tall jeans (I'm 5'11")
70. Italy
71. Trying new types of food
72. Tropical islands
73. A new set of colored pencils
74. A great haircut
75. Falling in love
76. Bubble baths
77. A good night's sleep
78. Meeting new and interesting people
79. An English accent
80. Beautiful underwear
81. Laughing until my stomach hurts
82. Making lists
83. Giving gifts
84. Halloween--costumes, cider, crunchy leaves, getting colder, candy, pumpkins
85. Lively class discussions
86. Hand-written notes
87. Fresh flowers, especially hydrangeas, gardenias, lilacs and purple roses
88. Quiet time
89. Afternoon naps
90. Holiday shopping
91. Hosting a dinner party
92. Fondue
93. Freshly fallen snow
94. Wishes
95. Freshly folded laundry
96. Milk chocolate
97. Christmas morning
98. Floating on my back in the ocean
99. A big full moon
100. Gummi Bears
101. Not knowing what is around the corner