Mariah Carey's CRAZY NYC closet
What is it about women and their closets? There's some kind of love affair that goes on between a woman and that sacred space where she keeps her shoes, clothes and accessories. Whether it's a tiny little closet or a spacious walk-in monster, a good plan can come in handy to organize all of your stuff. Lately, I've been dreaming about my closet. As you know, I've recently moved into a new apartment and, for the first time, I have my own walk-in closet. Mind you, it's not huge. I can walk in, take three steps and turn around but it still provides ample room for creativity.
So I've been trying to get inspired by some examples of other people's closets. Even though it's WAY OVER THE TOP, you can't help staring with your mouth wide open when you look at photos of Mariah Carey's closet. I'm not sure "closet" is even the right word. Maybe "clothing airport?" It's gorgeous and spacious and so well organized. We can all dream, can't we?
And then there's the cute photo of Eva Longoria's closet. I love the way she's organized her many pairs of jeans. I think I might actually borrow that idea. Instead of folding my jeans into drawers, I'm thinking of hanging them in the closet according to wash color. Where do you keep your jeans?

This space is pretty cool
I love the idea of decorating on the inside of your closet. Whether it's using beautiful boxes to keep your scarves, belts or swimsuits together, or creating a clean line with all matching velvet hangers, adding some design elements inside your closet can make you smile every time you open the door. I like how the closet above seems like just another comfy room in the house with a rug, a chandelier and those cool geometric doors.

I like the color organization in this one
Taking inventory of all of your things first can help you in organizing your space. What will take up the most room? Do you have a wild amount of shoes but not so many sweaters? Do you really need a place for jewelry or a tall space for boots? Do you keep all of your shoes in their boxes or will shoe racks work? What things will go in your dressers and what things need to be in the closet? Separate areas of the closet for shoes, pants, skirts, dresses, sweaters, shirts, accessories like handbags, scarves, hosiery, belts and hats. Place the items you use the most in the most convenient area of the closet. Once you know where everything will go, then you can decide what storage items you'll need to buy--decorative boxes, organizational dividers, lucite containers, shoe shelves, back of the door organizers, etc.

Recognize this famous closet from Sex and the City? Carrie Bradshaw and her vintage
Take inspiration from magazines, websites and catalogues. There are some great organizational sites to get ideas and to purchase the things you'll need to help you plan out your dream closet. Even the smallest space can be well-organized, efficient and make you feel great. When all of your things are placed in their optimum location, you'll be able to find them at the start of your day and you'll know immediately where they go at the end of your day. It saves you time and makes putting outfits together so simple.
And lastly, remember to have fun with it. Make it your own...use your signature color or a favorite print on the wall. If you have a small space, get the most out of it with a good organizational plan and if have a bit more to play around with, get creative by decorating and filling the space with both beautiful and functional things.
I thought I would leave you today with a really creative closet idea. This is what I envision as "thinking outside the box." I love fashion designer Anna Sui's closet (above)--inspired by The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe, Sui had the back of a large armoire taken off and then she placed it in front of her closet doorway. Instant magic. When you open the armoire, you step into another world. An amazingly creative idea. Take inspiration from these beautiful closets and create your ideal space this week. It takes some time, but it's well worth it.
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