Photography by Simply Recipes
The plans that I had for tonight fell through at the last minute and, I have to admit, I sat here in a bit of a stupor for a good 20 minutes thinking about what else I could do. I ran through the contacts list in my phone wondering who might be available to have dinner without any notice. I called my brother but he had plans. My parents always love me to stop by but did I really want to resort to that? I even thought of running to Barnes and Noble just so that I wouldn't be the dreaded ALONE.
But then I looked around at this new little space by the beach that I'm renting and I thought, "Would it be the worst thing in the world to get in my pajamas, make myself a nice dinner, pour a glass of wine and watch a movie...
by myself?" And the answer was resoundingly, "Doesn't sound that bad actually." So that's what I did. I also lined all of my kitchen and bathroom cabinets, did a load of laundry, organized my books on my new shelves and read a chapter of the book I'm working on finishing by the end of this week. And none of that would have gotten done had I phoned a friend to rescue me. Instead I rescued myself.
by myself?" And the answer was resoundingly, "Doesn't sound that bad actually." So that's what I did. I also lined all of my kitchen and bathroom cabinets, did a load of laundry, organized my books on my new shelves and read a chapter of the book I'm working on finishing by the end of this week. And none of that would have gotten done had I phoned a friend to rescue me. Instead I rescued myself.
And now, I'm sitting here on my new couch listening to the raindrops tapping against my living room windows and I'm thankful for relaxing, cozy, rainy nights with just me, myself and I.
And just in case you're wondering what yummy thing I made for dinner...the perfect meal for staying in by yourself...here's the recipe. And yes, I did have a glass of wine after eating french toast...it's my party and I'll do what I want to :)
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