Photography by Katerina 2353
In 1892, Marcel Proust answered a questionnaire that had become a popular party activity. This questionnaire was meant to reveal one's innermost thoughts and feelings. Proust answered the same questions many times throughout his life to determine how his thoughts had changed. Over the years, parts of this questionnaire have been used in interviewing and some questions can be seen on the back page of Vanity Fair and by James Lipton on Inside the Actor's Studio. I thought it might be interesting to answer the same questions that Proust answered at the end of the 19th century. They seem to be just as valuable now as they were then.
Where would you like to live?
On the beach.
What is your idea of earthly happiness?
Sharing a really good meal and a glass of wine with people I love.
To what faults do you feel most indulgent?
Procrastination, being hard on myself and overlooking faults in others
Who are your favorite heroes & heroines of fiction?
Mr. Darcy and Frederick Wentworth; Elizabeth Bennett, Anne Elliott & Marianne Dashwood
Who are your favorite heroes & heroines in real life?
Firefighters, Sully Sullenberger, Christiane Amanpour & other journalists, Mother Teresa
Your favorite painters?
Georgia O'Keefe, Edgar Degas, John Currin, Amadeo Modigliani, Auguste Renoir, Jackson Pollack
Your favorite musicians?
Bruce Springsteen, Coldplay, Ingrid Michaelson, The Fray, Anna Nalick, Maroon 5, Imogen Heap
The qualities you most admire in a man?
Honesty, tenderness, intellect, an open heart, a backbone, humor
The qualities you most admire in a woman?
Openness, humor, candor, understanding, caring
Your favorite occupation?
Who would you have liked to be?
Elizabeth I
What is your idea of the perfect day?
A sunny one, in a bikini, on a beach chair, in front of the crashing waves...preferably with friends and something yummy to eat
What is your most marked characteristic?
What to your mind would be the greatest of misfortunes?
To never have loved or been loved
Your favorite color?
Sea glass blue
Favorite flower?
Favorite bird?
Red breasted blackbird
Favorite prose writer?
Nicholas Kristoff, Frank Rich, Jeffrey Sachs
Favorite poets?
Jane Kenyon, Pablo Neruda, Robert Frost, Sylvia Plath
What natural gift would you like to possess?
The ability to play amazing music--maybe piano & violin
What is your present state of mind?
Relaxed, reflective, hopeful
What is your motto?
When life hands you lemons, make limoncello.
Great questions! I'm going to copy! :)