Every now and again, I question my sense of style. I mean, I think I tend to look put together for the most part. But I gravitate towards the same kinds of things over and over again. I have more black clothes than I know what to do with--shirts, dresses, turtlenecks, shoes, handbags. I wear tailored pants and simple sweaters, fitted jeans with a white t-shirt, a tank watch and diamond studs, but very few additional accessories. And sometimes, when I see a stylish woman wearing a trendy or daring outfit, I wonder why I hadn't thought of that. My style has been called "safe," "cute," and the dreaded, "simple." And for the longest time, I thought those comments were insults. "Simple" does not equate to sexy, stunning or Angelina Jolie. And sometimes you just want to feel like Laura Croft.
But the other day, I picked up the July issue of InStyle with Michelle Pfeiffer on the cover. I don't know about you, but I think she is so beautiful, not just for being 51 but for any age. What struck me about her interview was how honest she was about what she is and is not comfortable with, both in terms of fashion and life. She believes that the worst thing you can do is try to be someone you're not. And I totally agree. The photos of her in a classic black dress, a jumpsuit and jeans and t-shirt reaffirmed for me that my style is, in fact, a style. Pfeiffer says, "Simple is always best. Some of my favorite items are those that may not look like much on the hanger, then you try them on and they take on a whole new life." I have always been impressed with her classic elegance and her lack of pretension, so I think I'll just take her word for it.
But all this got me thinking about signature style. Do you have one? If I asked you what it is, what would you say? Trendy and on top of what's hot? Preppy? Beachy? All-American? Bohemian? Punk? Artsy? Maybe you didn't even realize that you don't have a style? Take a little bit of time today to inventory your wardrobe. Just glance around. Anything that you're holding onto because you hope it will fit next year? Or because the 70's have to come back in fashion again? Maybe there are a few pieces that you really like but they make you so uncomfortable when you wear them (too-low jeans, the skirt that rides up when you walk, or the shoes that fall off when you take 3 steps)? Clean house and make sure that everything you've got, whether it's jeans and a t-shirt or a ball gown, makes you feel amazing. Your style should convey something about who you are. If that's the case, what are you putting out there every day?
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